I hope everyone had a good time visiting the CN Tower yesterday - Have a great weekend!
- Reading
- I'm still waiting for several Social Studies (short) assignments from several students)
Please hand those in to me ASAP - also let me know if you have lost any and need another copy
- Next week we will be completing our multiplication and division unit (test to come mid week)
- Late next week we will be starting out next unit on Measurement - Length, perimeter, area, mass, capacity. (Feel Free to brush up on some of these concepts if you are already familiar)
- Today we started doing a bit of EQAO math practice / review - We worked on the 2014 test. I'm putting the links to the 2014 and 2015 versions on here if you /your child would like to practice or didn't finish today- keep in mind that we HAVE NOT gone over / learned everything yet - we still need to cover fractions, money, probability, transformations.
2014 EQAO French Math Test
2015 EQAO French Math Test
- Science project - structures - due early next week
- Next week we will be starting an Art project where students will be selecting a First Nations
Canadian Artist and studying presenting some of their art works and parts of their lives.