Wednesday, October 31, 2018


- Reading.
- I will be giving the students a short Math quiz on telling time on Friday - they will need to be
able to measure how much time has passed between 2 given times, as well give the new time once an addition or subtraction has been made
- Either tomorrow or Friday I will be sharing a final science project/assignment with the students.
It will focus on 3 main components:
1) the effects of soils on the environment (and vice versa)
2) the effects of soils on society (people)
3) the interrelationship between soils and other living things

The project will be done individually on computer - we will either use google docs or google slides. the project will be primarily done at school, however you can have your child log in at home if you would like to monitor their progress. The handout will outline the success criteria as well as a rubric for evaluation. I will read, provide feedback and assign a mark directly on the work submitted.

Image result for science research project cartoon

Have fun tonight if you are heading out trick-or-treating.
Remember to dress appropriately and to be safe!
Please remember not to send your child to school with
loads of sweets following Halloween!
See you next month!

Tuesday, October 30, 2018


- Reading
- Tomorrow is Halloween!!
- If your child would like, they may bring their costume and we will be putting them on after morning recess. We will be having a small parade around the school at that time. If your child does not wish to take part in the parade or wear a costume that is totally fine. Please remember not to send in any food or treats as well.

Monday, October 29, 2018


- Reading
- French Test tomorrow - writing
- Math telling time question - based on events for tonight - google classroom
- Photo retake day tomorrow - (optional)

Image result for making good choices quotes for kids

Friday, October 26, 2018


- Reading
- French Test next Tuesday October 30th - Review sheet on google classroom
- Today in math we discussed what a typical day looks like and what events take
place at which times of the day.
Math worksheet - telling time - please complete if it was not done in class
- Tuesday October 30th is photo retake day if anyone is interested
- Wednesday is Halloween - reminder that no masks or weapons are to be brought to school

Image result for telling time cartoon

Thursday, October 25, 2018


- Reading
- Practice Music songs in French
- Math test was taken up and handed  back today - Please review with your child

Image result for chanter

Wednesday, October 24, 2018


- Reading
- If you have not completed the French work from yesterday - please do so
- Review/reread science notes (green duotang)
- Today in science we were discussing the effects of soil on society and the environment
- Our new math unit will be on estimating, measuring, and recording, time and temperature

Image result for telling time cartoon

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Friday, October 19, 2018


- Reading
- Math TEST Wednesday October 24th - describing and extending number patters and demonstrating equality between pairs of expressions (like the homework questions from this week)
- PA DAY - Monday October 22nd
I will send home a worksheet that can be used to study
- Tuesday we will share the different jobs our parents do (Social Studies - Living and working in Ontario)

Have a great long weekend!

Image result for fall cartoon

Thursday, October 18, 2018


- Reading
- Math - google classroom (I promise, last one this week)
- French - verbs on google classroom
-Social studies - Interview your parents, find out about the job/ the work they do
if you are able to share the info with your child it would be greatly appreciated.
- We will discuss the info next Tuesday as MONDAY OCT 22 is a PA DAY
- Literless lunch tomorrow

Image result for funny weather cartoon

The gym is supposed to be closed tomorrow, so please
dress appropriately as we might go outside for phys Ed

Tuesday, October 16, 2018


- Reading
- Review with your parents what composting is, what can and cannot be composted, as well as why its important for the environment
- Math practice on google classroom
- Please review, sign and return your child's learning skills self-evaluation

Image result for compost

Monday, October 15, 2018


- Reading
- We filled in a self-evaluation today for Learning skills (the non-academic portion of the report card)
- please review it with your child, sign and bring it back to school. We will be doing one each month
-  There are some Math questions on google classroom as well on patterning and algebra (current unit)
- If you are able to send in a photo of your child to use (cut out) for an art assignment we are working on it would be greatly appreciated, if it is too much trouble, do not worry.

sample: roller coaster
amusement park art

Friday, October 12, 2018


- Reading
- Review science notes
- We will continue / complete our social studies assignment next week - 3 regions
- The science and math quizzes from last week have been taken up and handed back
please review with your child, sign and return to school

- Please remind your child the importance of speaking French in class and how fortunate they are to be in such a program. Students need to take responsibility for their own actions, and encourage others to speak French. It is not the sole responsibility of the teacher or the school

Here is a link with some useful information in guiding your child through this program

Supporting your child's success in French Immersion

Image result for benefits of speaking french in canada

Wednesday, October 10, 2018


- Reading
- French work (either on google docs or in a notebook)
- In health we started a small assignment on foods from different cultures
the students have chosen a country and will be researching the foods from
the different food groups (ongoing assignment)
- We are continuing our group assignment in social studies on the different regions
in Ontario
- Tomorrow is Library day - please remember to bring back your books

- In Math we will be moving towards describing and extending numeric patterns and exploring equality between pairs of expressions (using addition and subtraction)

Image result for numeric patterns

Tuesday, October 9, 2018


Welcome back! I hope you all had a restful and enjoyable long weekend!

-  Reading
- French work on google classroom
- Explain to your parents the 2 reasons we learned that worms are important (pop quiz tomorrow)

Image result for worms

Friday, October 5, 2018

- Reading
- We will continue our social studies group assignment next week
- Problemes a resoudre :

Elika a acheté des livres à 5 $ chacun. Cela lui a coûté 40 $. Combien de livres a-t-elle achetés ?
Montre ton travail (calcul) Dessin si necessaire.

Matthew parcourt 100 km en vélo à une vitesse de 20 km à l’heure. De combien d’heures a-t-il besoin pour parcourir ces 100 km ?
Montre ton travail a l'aide d'un dessin et des calculs.

Have a nice long weekend!

Image result for thanksgiving 2018

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Wednesday, October 3, 2018


- Reading
- Review science notes - 3 types of soils and their characteristics  (Quiz Friday)
- French work on google classroom

- In one short month of school, speaking French in class has already become a BIG
issue. Unfortunately there's only so much reminding and policing I can do. I will be
starting a reward system in which each student  will receive 5 Popsicle sticks labeled
(Je parle Francais) with their names on them. If myself or Mr Konate hear someone
speaking English, we will take away a stick. At the end of the day, remaining sticks
will be converted into time. Either for using computers or perhaps inviting a friend
from another class to come eat lunch with them or perhaps even going outside to play. 
The students will begin each day with their 5 sticks. A student who manages to keep
all 5 sticks throughout the day will collect bonus time.

Image result for je parle francaisImage result for je parle francais