Wednesday, October 3, 2018


- Reading
- Review science notes - 3 types of soils and their characteristics  (Quiz Friday)
- French work on google classroom

- In one short month of school, speaking French in class has already become a BIG
issue. Unfortunately there's only so much reminding and policing I can do. I will be
starting a reward system in which each student  will receive 5 Popsicle sticks labeled
(Je parle Francais) with their names on them. If myself or Mr Konate hear someone
speaking English, we will take away a stick. At the end of the day, remaining sticks
will be converted into time. Either for using computers or perhaps inviting a friend
from another class to come eat lunch with them or perhaps even going outside to play. 
The students will begin each day with their 5 sticks. A student who manages to keep
all 5 sticks throughout the day will collect bonus time.

Image result for je parle francaisImage result for je parle francais

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