Thursday, January 31, 2019


- Reading
- Verbs - google classroom
- Science reflection - catapult - google classroom due Monday
- Math - look for REAL objects in your house that are  3D shapes - make a list 5-10 objects
perhaps consider starting in the kitchen...

- No school tomorrow - PA DAY

Image result for 3d objects in real life

Wednesday, January 30, 2019


- Reading
- Tomorrow we will be building catapults in science class to show how some forces work.
- Please bring in any materials (from home) to build
- Today in Math we were working on riddles to identify 2D and 3D shapes - please discuss with your child.
- In art we have been working on drawing zentangles
- Friday February 1st is a PA Day

Image of zentangle art

Tuesday, January 29, 2019


- Reading
- this week  we will be building a small simple catapult in science class to demonstrates how some of the forces work (we will have an assessment at the end of next week to bring our unit to an end)
- Please bring in any materials at home that may be useful for this assignment - i.e. paper towel roll, toilet paper roll, or any other recyclable items your group may want to use
- tomorrow in Social Studies we will be making a small card association game ( word to definition) in order to use to review for a final assessment as our Living and working in Ontario unit comes to an end

Image result for shoveling snow gif

Remember to help out your family whenever you can!

Monday, January 28, 2019


- Reading
- Discuss at home tonight how the four following forces play a role in everyday life - and how would life be without these forces - MAGNETISM, FRICTION, MUSCULAR, GRAVITY
-  We will discuss it tomorrow and write down our findings

Image result for life without gravity cartoon

- One more note- A note was sent home today regarding inclement weather - please read it over and the information may be important for this week - thanks

Safe driving!

Friday, January 25, 2019


- Reading
- Bring home your French writing book (with 5 cards)
- Draw a natural disaster (catastrophe) green duotang - you may look one up if needed
- examples such as, hurricanes, tornadoes, etc

Image result for polygon jokes

Tuesday, January 22, 2019


- Reading
- Math Quiz - Geometry (2D shapes, angles, classifying) - Friday Jan 25th
- Today in math we talked about figures that are congruent - Ask your child what are the 2
requirements in order for there to be congruence
- French - Homophones - Google classroom
- In science we are finishing up posters on forces and well as centers based on the different centers
near the end of next week we will do a final assessment for this science unit.
- students should begin reviewing notes (green duotang daily)

Image result for friction jokes

Monday, January 21, 2019


-I hope everyone had a good weekend - safe from the cold

- Tomorrow is day 1 - Library day
- Reading
- Math - we will be continuing with our Geometry unit - Today wee worked on classifying shapes in Venn diagrams - we compared shapes such as ones with 4 sides vs shapes with all sides the same. -
- Science - Ongoing - Forces posters, centers
- Social studies - Ongoing - creating your own community

Image result for cartoon cold weather

Thursday, January 17, 2019


- Reading
- Math  - Tangram - name each shape in the big square - write the name in the shape
- Write each angle from each shape (droite, obtus, aigu)
- Cut the shapes to reconstruct / make 3 different images other than the original square
- Draw them on another paper

- Tomorrow is a PA DAY - no school - boohoo!

Image result for pa day images

Wednesday, January 16, 2019


- Reading
- Practice song - Ne reste pas seul
- We didn't have time to take up or hand back the math test today - will do so tomorrow
- FRIDAY JAN 18th is a PA DAY!!! - NO SCHOOL
- Tell your parents the difference between 3 types of angles we talked about today in Geometry
(droite, aigu, obtus)

Image result for magnet jokes

Tuesday, January 15, 2019


- Reading
- Sign drama rubric
- Ongoing: Science forces centres / Social studies - create your own community
- Tomorrow we will take up the math test and I will return it to be brought home for review

2D Geometry Riddles for Kids

Monday, January 14, 2019


- Reading
- Math -
Find 5 examples of either 2D or 3D shapes/objects at home. Make a list, share it with the class tomorrow
- French -
Les Homophones - google classroom

Image result for shapes cartoon jokes

Friday, January 11, 2019


- Reading
- French homophones on google classroom (yesterday and today)
- French listening activity
- Data Management Math Test completed today - Geometry starting on Monday

Next week we will be doing a series of science experiments (similar to the scientist in the schools program we did) to refresh and to solidify the concepts before concluding out forces and movement unit by the end of term 1

In social studies, the students are creating their own community in Ontario building on the concepts we learned in class

Image result for winter weekend

Wednesday, January 9, 2019


- Reading
- Math test Data management FRIDAY - Jan 11
- Science - This week we will be making posters for our science unit on forces and movement
The students are required to write/explain what a force is, and talk about friction, gravity, magnetic and muscular forces and give examples of each. (This assignment will be done in class)

Image result for forces and movement poster

Monday, January 7, 2019


Welcome Back! I hope that everyone had a wonderful, restful and happy break!
We have about a month left in term 1 - so it will be full steam ahead for the next little while!

Image result for full steam ahead gif

- Today in Science we talked about forces with contact (touch), such as friction and muscular as well as forces without contact,  such as magnetic and gravitational

We worked on the following questions in class today: If you did not finish the questions please finish them for homework tonight

1) Explique pourquoi la force de friction est une force de contact. (donne un exemple)
2) Explique pourquoi la force musculaire est une force de contact. (donne un exemple)
3) Explique pourquoi la force magnétique est une force sans contact(donne un exemple)
4) Explique pourquoi la force gravitationnelle est une force sans contact.  (donne un exemple)

- Today we all went to the library and took out new French books - Everyone should be reading daily at least 15-20 minutes on top of any homework (if possible)

- This week we will be reviewing the concepts related to Data Management such as, sorting and organizing shapes and objects, as well as reading, collecting and organizing data and displaying them in graphs and charts. We will be having our DATA MANAGEMENT TEST on FRIDAY JAN 11th
- Monday we will begin out last unit of term 1 on Geometry - where we will be comparing and sorting 2D and 3D shapes

Image result for welcome back to school after winter break