We have about a month left in term 1 - so it will be full steam ahead for the next little while!
- Today in Science we talked about forces with contact (touch), such as friction and muscular as well as forces without contact, such as magnetic and gravitational
We worked on the following questions in class today: If you did not finish the questions please finish them for homework tonight
1) Explique pourquoi la force de friction est une force de contact. (donne un exemple)
2) Explique pourquoi la force musculaire est une force de contact. (donne un exemple)
3) Explique pourquoi la force magnétique est une force sans contact. (donne un exemple)
4) Explique pourquoi la force gravitationnelle est une force sans contact. (donne un exemple)
- Today we all went to the library and took out new French books - Everyone should be reading daily at least 15-20 minutes on top of any homework (if possible)
- This week we will be reviewing the concepts related to Data Management such as, sorting and organizing shapes and objects, as well as reading, collecting and organizing data and displaying them in graphs and charts. We will be having our DATA MANAGEMENT TEST on FRIDAY JAN 11th
- Monday we will begin out last unit of term 1 on Geometry - where we will be comparing and sorting 2D and 3D shapes
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