Friday, September 28, 2018


Dear Parents,
Thank you to all those who came out last night! It was a pleasure meeting/seeing you all, and I look forward to working with all of you throughout the year.
After having spent some time last night trying to figure out how to change the time of the email delivery I think I figured it out. Hopefully you will all be getting the email notification between        3-5pm (on the day I write it =)

All the students now have the username (Student #) and their password to log into the computers at school. This information will stay with them until the end of high school. It will also allow them to access all the google apps including google classroom. There will be one class for M. Konate and one for my class, in which all the students (who were here today) have already joined. From time to time there will be homework questions posted on google classroom. I understand that as parents you try to limit the screen time that you children have.  Please let me know if it will be an issue for them to use a computer or tablet occasionally to complete some work. Please feel free to email me anytime with any questions or concerns.

- Reading
- Quel nombre vient en premier: me 17e nombre avec un 2 ou le 9e nombre quand tu comptes par 10?
- Ecris ta propre question comme cela
utilise une grille de 100 si tu as besoin

Image result for 100 chart

Thursday, September 27, 2018


- Reading
- Review the 3 types of soils (teach/read them to your parents)
Arian prépare la nourriture pour une grande fête. Il fait des pizzas avec 8 tranches chacune. Il a 3 pizzas avec fromage, 2 pizzas avec légumes, et 3 pizzas avec de la viande. Combien de tranches Arian a-t-il en tout? Montre ton travail à l’aide de nombres, mots, dessins.

Hope to see you all tonight!

Image result for meet the teacher

Wednesday, September 26, 2018


- Reading
- Review science and Social studies notes ( this entails re-reading your notes in your notebook)

Our Library day is always on DAY 1 - I will try to send out a reminder every DAY 5- students will not be able to take out new books unless they return the ones from the previous week
Several papers went home today -  all with options to participate or not (for a fee)
- October scholastic, Terry Fox run info, lunch time programs: mosaic club, lego club

Thursday Sept 27th Meet the teacher night (6:30pm-8:00pm)
Wednesday Oct 3rd - Terry Fox run (afternoon) - Gr2,3,4 will be running/walking around the school perimeter (on school property)

Image result for meet the teacher

Tuesday, September 25, 2018


I hope everyone had a great (long) weekend and are ready to get into gear!

-  Reading
- Math - complete the chart below - for each number make a drawing using base ten blocks,
and complete the place value chart - indicate the number in each position as well as its value
- summarize the video we watched in class today for your parents

# de Centaines et valeur
# de Dizaines et valeur
# d’Unité et  valeur


2 = 200
5 = 50
1 = 1




- Today in art we explored and practice making Picasso drawings
Image result for picasso faces

Upcoming dates:
- Sept 27th Meet the teacher (630-8pm)

Friday, September 21, 2018


Dear Parents,
After some further review of our schedules and timetables we have decided to make the following changes to simplify transitions and movements of the students starting on Tuesday September 25th after the PA Day: (they will now have all their classes in room 113)

M. Konate will be teaching FRENCH and MUSIC
Mme. Hamilton will be teaching DANCE/DRAMA (no change)

*Please note that the specific times and periods that your child has with each teacher has not changed*
Thanks for your support and cooperation

Important upcoming dates:
- Monday Sept 24th PA DAY (NO SCHOOL)
- Tuesday Sept 25th PHOTO DAY
- Thursday Sept 27th MEET THE TEACHER 630-8pm

* If anyone is still not receiving emails from my blog its possible you will need to go into your junk mail and accept an email link from feedburner

- reading 
- Be prepared to discuss in class a moment over the weekend where you had to use numbers
- Take a moment to reflect on your performance and behaviour up until this point (progress reports creep up really fast) Are you speaking French in class? Are you being respectful? Are you participating during lessons? etc
- Have a great long weekend!

Image result for self reflection cartoon

Thursday, September 20, 2018


- Reading  (white duotang)
- Tell your parents what we discussed today about the Basses-Terres de la Baie d'Hudson
- Qui est Henry Hudson? ( who was Henry Hudson?) some students who finished their
work in class were able to do a little research today. If your child did not have time in class
please sit with them for a few minutes and jot down a few facts such as - who he was, what he did
why was the bay named after him?

Dates to remember:
- Sept 24 PA DAY
- Sept 25 Photo day
- Sept 27 Meet the teacher night (630-8pm room 113)

Image result for pablo picasso
Ask your child who make this piece of work?
What they might know about him

Tuesday, September 18, 2018


- Reading
- tell your parents something your learned about the Hudson Bay Lowlands (Basses-Terres de la Baie d'Hudson - if your child did not have time in class to write much down just google the French term and have them pull out one key fact/pc of information
- Today we explored different locations in Ontario - Have your child input the following coordinates into google maps and identify the location - 43.8254N, 79.5386W (FYI it should be that big shopping place at Jane and Rutherford)

Sept 24 - PA DAY
Sept 25 - Photo Day
Sept 27 - Meet the teacher

Image result for ontario hudson bay lowlands

Monday, September 17, 2018


- Math (only if you did not complete your work in class)
- Reading
- Tell your parents why humans and animals needs plants
- Please remind your child of the importance of being respectful at all times-
while someone is speaking, of people's belongings, etc

Important Dates:
- Sept 18 last day to order Scholastics
- Sept 24th PA DAY
- Sept 25th Photo day
- Sept 27th Meet the teacher (630-8pm)

Image result for respect cartoon for kids

Friday, September 14, 2018


- Reading (min 10 mins) - record in  white duotang daily
- math worksheet
- do something nice for someone without being asked (daily)
- starting Monday and probably Tuesday) I will have the students do a brief presentation of the science (soils) vocabulary word they chose - explain the meaning and use it in a sentence
I will give them some time on Monday to review - they may also use their notes

- sept 18 last day for scholastics orders
- sept 25 photo day
- sept 27 meet the teacher night (630-8pm)

Have a great weekend!

Image result for soil cartoon

Thursday, September 13, 2018


Students should be reading every night at home ( and recording their reading in the white duotang)
They are more than welcome to take home books from class anytime (providing they come back)
We will be going to the library to take out/exchange books every Day 1 starting next Tuesday Sept 18

- scholastics due dept 18
- photos sept 25
- open house sept 27 (6:30-8:00pm)

- I have asked the students to do something nice for someone else tonight and report back tomorrow
during our conversational time

Image result for kindness cartoon images

Wednesday, September 12, 2018


I hope everyone is having a great week so far!
We made it past the half way point in the week!

- Tomorrow Thursday September 13th we will be having bus safety practice
- for tomorrow - Find a city N, E, S, W of Richmond Hill
- Pick a vocab work from the science word wall- find the meaning and put
the word into a sentence
- Review notes
- Reading 10 mins (minimum) - try to retell to your parents what you read
- Scholastic orders due Tuesday September 18th ( NEW DATE)
- Photo Day - September 25th
- Meet the teacher open house - September 27th 6:30-8:00pm

Image result for soil cartoon

Friday, September 7, 2018


- Reading (at least 10 mins)
- review the 5 elements in soils - try to have your child explain it to you
(Roches/rocks, graines de sable/ grains of sand, argile/clay, morceaux des plantes / pieces of plants,
animaux morts/ dead animals)
- Do you still have any forms to sign and bring in?
- Scholastic book order due date is September 21st
- explore a map of Ontario  with your child, write down the name of a Large city
as well as the name of a small city (due for Wednesday)
I told the students that I city has between 100,000 and 300,000 people / a small city has less than 100,000 people / and a large city has between 300,000 and 1,000,000
- Please feel free to help your child with this task as you will most likely need to use the internet
please let me know if you have any trouble with this task
- The students also have a math worksheet to complete
- students were given a white duotang today with a calendar for the whole year to use daily to keep track of their reading (include the title and pages of the book they read)

I will be away from school Monday and Tuesday of next week for Rosh Hashana (Jewish New Year)

Have a great weekend!

Image result for map of ontario

Thursday, September 6, 2018


Good afternoon
Thank you to everyone who saw and  signed up for the blog yesterday
I apologize for not having completed my post earlier. As well the students
did not have time to write in their agendas today. Since I am only with the students
half the time, I am still learning my schedule and the best times to have the students
write down their homework and exchange their books in class.
 - Starting next week we will have a set time to go to the library to take out and exchange books
- I also have a large selection of books in the class that the students may take home and return.

- In language I will be completing various diagnostic reading comprehension, writing and oral
communication assessments to see where the students are at.
- In science we will be learning about soils in the environment
- In social studies (term 1) we will be learning about working and living in Ontario

A demain!

Image result for ontario